Monday, February 17, 2020

Fine Art - Social Class as Seen Through Art from the Renaissance and Research Paper

Fine Art - Social Class as Seen Through Art from the Renaissance and the Great Depression - Research Paper Example But as both these periods introduced sea changes in the existing social patterns, the works of art of both these peiods were also a balancing act between hope and despair. Morover, they were a balancing act between the tastes of the dominant and the oppressed classes- more so the art of the great depression era. This is evident when the works of art of thes periods, as against the socio-economic backgrounds, are examined. During the renaissance art period, a fuedal social system was just about to transform into a capitalist society. But during the great depression, capitalism was already the norm though people were realizing for the first time in history, that all the hopes ensued by capitalism were after all not that real. The audience-Renaissance Art It has been observed that, â€Å"the art public of the Renaissance consists of the urban middle class and the court society of the residences† (Hauser, 6). This was because these groups in the society were the ones who had a say in matters of power. The working class consisted mainly of agricultural laborers and craftsmen who had no role in the political processes of the society. Art was unaffordable luxury for them. And the consequence of this situation has been that the renaissance art mostly catered to the elite and urban middle class tastes. ... evolving into middle class representations, the art of this period also developed itself into a preamble to capitalist views on life and creative expression. Renaissance art mainly decorated the mansions of kings and elites and also the wealthy churches (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou). For example, Jean Hey was entrusted with the task of decorating the Bourbon Court of France (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou, 14). The other side of this social phenomenon was that there was always a â€Å"level of material wealth that might afford one work of art but not another† (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou, 14). And what naturally followed was that artists were prompted to create an elite class art under the aegis of their patrons. The audience-Great Depression Art When it comes to the art of the great depression period, the situation was totally opposite to what has been said above. It can be seen that â€Å"many artists became disillusioned with capitalism- the U.S. econo mic system- and turned to left-wing politics† (Damon, 14). And above all, many artists even used their art to support the proletariat class (Damon, 14). For example, Guglielmi, who was a renowned painter, was very much vocal in his support of the working class and his painting, ‘The Relief Blues’, showed a an urban family signing up to get relief funds from the government (Guglielmi). By following the path of realism, art could thus win a big audience including the working class and art became more appealing to the masses in this period. Murals, photographs and posters became popular and they created an interface between art and craftsmanship (Doss). The Artist- Renaissance Period In renaissance art, artists showed a tendency to revive the feudal values through rejuvenating classical art from

Monday, February 3, 2020

Nursing research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Nursing research - Essay Example It is important for an outcome measure to be reliable, sensitive to change, and valid. Hence, the outcome measure adopted is reliable in that the questions in the measure are easy to understand and enhances easy evaluation of the program. Importantly, the outcome measure provides an accurate indicator of the intended measure it should focus on, which makes the outcome measure valid (Royse, Thyer, & Padgett, 2009). On the other hand, it is evident that the outcome measure evaluated successful implementation of the program. Finally, the outcome measure is sensitive to change since its focus is on aspects that contribute to successful implementation of the program. The outcome measure, which is structured in form of a Likert-Scale questionnaire, will be the best tool to use in order to evaluate the outcome. The questionnaire, which is provided as Appendix 1, will evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented change. The questionnaire focuses on mothers since they are the best suited individuals to evaluate their children’s pain. Importantly, it is essential to point out that the items in the provided questionnaire conceptualize the elements of effective pain management in children. After the implementation of the change, the questionnaire will provide the healthcare facility with an opportunity to evaluate the success of the program. Evaluation requires a combination of human and financial resources in order for it to be effective. In this case, human resources will be an essential component of the evaluation process since they will provide the questionnaires to the parents for filling and consequently collect them after filling. On the other hand, the pain nurse is a component of the human resources required in the evaluation since she will walk through the pediatric ward and identify any inconsistencies in the program. Conversely, it is important to note that financial resources