Sunday, May 10, 2020

Drug Legalization will Solve Many Problems Essay - 1557 Words

Drug Legalization will Solve Many Problems The United States is by far the richest and most powerful country in the world. We citizens take for granted luxuries that people of other countries can only dream. Yet in our society there are serious social issues that for reasons unknown are not being addressed. One of the most important issues that typical politicians are afraid to address is that of what to do with the nation’s illegal drug problems. Although we hear terms like The War on Drugs and Drug Treatment, a fresh approach to this issue is overdue. The country should take a new look at drug legalization as a solution to a problem that has been long out of control. Addiction and drug abuse are such buzzwords these days†¦show more content†¦If that be the case then gambling and food abusers should be treated the same as addicts. Since drug legalization is the topic of this essay let us focus on alternatives to the War on Drugs. One possibility for controlling drug abuse is to legalize illegal drugs. In the 1920’s alcohol was made illegal by the eighteenth amendment better know as prohibition. This experiment at cutting off the source of alcohol to alleviate alcohol abuse was a dismal failure. From it stemmed all sort of crime, illegal alcohol sales, gang controlled territories, police shootings and above all, most people continued to drink. In contrast to today’s society where drugs are illegal there is not much difference. We have the same type of violent crime and gang control as in the roaring twenties, and people continue to use drugs. Another result of prohibition was an increase in binge drinking, much the same as we have the binge drug user today. Countries where alcohol is considered a normal part of life, such as Greece and Italy, have low occurrences of alcoholism. However, where alcohol is looked upon as a moral problem, such as the United States or Finland, alcoholism is rampant. This is the result of social conditioning much like Pavlov’s dogs. Since drugs are considered the demon here in America, citizens use as a method of rebelling as well as out of curiosityShow MoreRelatedEssay about Legalize It!828 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize It! nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Many feel today we are loosing the war on drugs. When a battle goes to the point where there is no winner there needs to be a re-evaluation of how to solve the problem. In the case of the war against drugs, years of fighting have caused increased crime, overcrowding of prisons and the wasted use of money and resources with no results. It is now time to look at alternative methods to solving the nations drug problem. I will be looking at one of these methodsRead MoreShould Drugs Be Legalized? Essay1203 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of drugs is among the most polarizing issues faced by the US government today. 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